tagged ‘mike’

Space Object of the Month: June, 2021
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our first Space Object of the Month, in which a Preachy co-editor invites you to learn how to use his telescope (with him): Items I will try to find: NGC 6530/Lagoon Nebula Why?: ‘’Cause it’s […]

Opaque Strategy Number Six
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our re-casting of Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt’s Oblique Strategies cards. We call our version Opaque Strategies. Here is Opaque Strategy number six: Climb a tree, but you know, like only half way. It’s really […]

Space Object of the Month: May, 2021
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our first Space Object of the Month, in which a Preachy co-editor invites you to learn how to use his telescope (with him): Items I will try to find: Lunar Eclipse Why?: ‘Cause it’s pretty […]

Opaque Strategy Number Five
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our re-casting of Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt’s Oblique Strategies cards. We call our version Opaque Strategies. Here is Opaque Strategy number five: Envision your own danger. Think real hard. Harder. Harder still. STOP. Think […]

Space Object of the Month: April, 2021
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our first Space Object of the Month, in which a Preachy co-editor invites you to learn how to use his telescope (with him): Items I will try to find: NCG 5128 Why?: ‘Cause it is […]

Opaque Strategy Number Four
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our re-casting of Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt’s Oblique Strategies cards. We call our version Opaque Strategies. Here is Opaque Strategy number four: Eat some dirt. If it’s good enough for yr plants, it’s good […]

Space Object of March, 2021
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our first Space Object of the Month, in which a Preachy co-editor invites you to learn how to use his telescope (with him): Items I will try to find: Venus Why?: ‘Cause it will be […]

Opaque Strategy Number Three
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our re-casting of Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt’s Oblique Strategies cards. We call our version Opaque Strategies. Here is Opaque Strategy number three: Sit with yr own stink. The longer you sit. The harder it […]

Space Object of February, 2021
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our first Space Object of the Month, in which a Preachy co-editor invites you to learn how to use his telescope (with him): Items I will try to find: M81 (Bode’s Galaxy) Why?: ‘Cause it […]

Opaque Strategy Number Two
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our re-casting of Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt’s Oblique Strategies cards. We call our version Opaque Strategies. Here is Opaque Strategy number two: Eat something you are afraid of. If it keeps waking you up, […]