tagged ‘mike’

Space Object of January, 2021
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our first Space Object of the Month, in which a Preachy co-editor invites you to learn how to use his telescope (with him): Items I will try to find: The Conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and […]

Preachy’s Holiday Playlist
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, Mike Kanin — Preachy co-editor and author of this Monday’s Preachy post — offers a playlist to go along with his piece, the holidays and all that they bring.

A Secular Christmas Wish for A New Human
Hi there! You are new here. And I’m very pleased to meet you. You got here just in time—maybe a little late, but here nonetheless. I’m hoping that you are well, that you landed in a safe spot that is equal parts cozy and loving. That is built to meet you, however you are, whenever […]

Opaque Strategy Number 1
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present our re-casting of Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt’s Oblique Strategies cards. We call our version Opaque Strategies. Here is Opaque Strategy number one: Exercise yr inner demons. That time? You know the one. It’s eating […]

Our inaugural Friday playlist
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. Our first is a playlist curated by co-editors Sunny Sone and Mike Kanin.

On Preachy
In which your co-editors, Sunny Sone and Mike Kanin, attempt to tell you a bit about themselves and, in so doing, hope to tell you more about Preachy: FROM: SunnyTO: Kanin Hi Mike! Hope you are well, post-phone call. I wanted to get the ball rolling on this convo. Maybe, to start, you could tell […]