NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Space Object of the Month: Saturn

illustrated drop cap for the letter EEach Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present a Space Object of the Month, in which a Preachy co-editor invites you to learn how to use his telescope (with him):

Items I will try to find: Saturn

Why?: ‘’Cause … the rings

When: July 24, 2021

So one thing that your intrepid sky hobbyist has discovered is that his telescope is not quite as powerful as he perhaps thought it was. This is probably a common rookie mistake? That doesn’t mean, of course, that there isn’t some great fun to be had. And, indeed, the view of the moon is pretty damn spectacular through my little five-inch ‘scope. 

Saturn too is breathtaking. It’s still small in my eyepiece, but its rings — no matter the size — make it something to behold. On July 24, it’ll be both on close approach and in conjunction with the moon. This means that yours truly will have some easy backyard success!