tagged ‘playlist’
A Gospel Playlist
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, Robin Storey Dunn — author of this week’s Monday thought — offers a playlist to accompany her piece.
A Scorsese playlist
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, Alejandra Martinez — author of this week’s Monday thought on Martin Scorsese and Catholicism — offers a playlist to accompany her piece.
Preachy’s Holiday Playlist
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, Mike Kanin — Preachy co-editor and author of this Monday’s Preachy post — offers a playlist to go along with his piece, the holidays and all that they bring.
Our inaugural Friday playlist
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. Our first is a playlist curated by co-editors Sunny Sone and Mike Kanin.