Space Object of October: NGC 884
Each Friday, the folks at Preachy will offer you something of a reflection for your weekend. This Friday, we present a Space Object of the Month, in which a Preachy co-editor invites you to learn how to use his telescope (with him):
Items I will try to find: NGC 884
Why?: ’Cause … it’s an early riser
When: October 27, 2021
A recurring theme of your intrepid hobbyist’s pursuit of non-Earthly things is a personal tendency to fall asleep before viewing time. (Sigh.) This October, I have a good chance to rectify my streak of missing the evening sky with the early rise of NGC 884, a part of a pretty neato double star cluster in the Perseus constellation. I feel fairly confident that even I can stay up until 7:45 (Texas time).